Compound pre – birth course for women/ partners

“Do you have questions and uncertainties about your pregnancy?”
“Was your first labor  a caesarian and you want to opt out for VBAC?”

Up to 12 hours course in a comfort of your home at a time which suits your requests

Prenatal preparation course topics:

  • Birth plan composition
  • Delivery place settlement
  • Breathing and grounding techniques as a pain relief (Partner is actively participating)
  • Partner briefing – getting him ready to support you effectively
  • Body preparation – get ready in the spirit of “Pregnancy should not hurt”
  • Baby care – feeding, sleeping, cry management, anti-colic prevention, manipulation and psychomotor stimulation

Apart from practical advices:

  • We dissolve doubts, talk about pre-conceptions, aim to achieve emotional and physical well-being
  • Enforce will and self-confidence in you and your partner
  • We take measures to make you fit again after delivery of your baby as soon as possible

You overall benefit in:

  • Quality time for you and your baby
  • Handy suggestions and tips how to adapt to your new role as a mother
  • Practical tips of what to expect in your first labor
  • Hints on effective communication with doctors
  • Advice on what to pack to hospital, what to buy home for your baby
  • Notes and relevant studies will be provided in written form

Single consultation

I accompany women and advise couples over specific requests related to their birth in the following areas

  • Strength and support during pregnancy loss/advise couples on how to carry on with future pregnancy after miscarriage
  • Pregnancy screenings interpretations
  • Pregnancy problems (nausea, heartburn, etc.)
  • Nutrition and healthy lifestyle



I offer one-time consultations or packages for a DISCOUNTED PRICE.
Not only the content, but also a common understanding create quality cooperation . I offer the opportunity to meet me in  person at a FREE MEETING.

The fees are without VAT


Birthing plan/Delivery place selection/Physiology of natural birth/ Medical interventions/ Non- medical pain relief and breathing techniques/Partner briefing/Basics of breastfeeding/ Baby care. Four appointments in duration of max 12 hrs. 


Birthing plan/Delivery place selection/Physiology of natural birth/ Medical interventions/ Non- medical pain relief and breathing techniques/Partner briefing/Basics of breastfeeding. Three appointments in duration of max 8 hrs.


Birthing plan/Delivery place selection/Physiology of natural birth/ Medical interventions/ Non- medical pain relief and breathing techniques/Partner briefing. Two appointments in total duration of 5 hrs.


Personal counseling during pregnancy, when you are not interested in the overall preparation, but you are looking for a person who can advise you, support you or guide you in solving complications related to pregnancy. The meeting is scheduled for 2.5 hrs.


Contact me for a first meeting for free